Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mike Ming: "Salon Bob"
at Bob Bar, NYC

Mike Ming
"Salon Bob"
presented by Bob Bar

Through May 12, 2009
bob bar
235 eldridge street
new york, ny 10002

The below is copied from the artist's Web site about the exhibition:

The art show is an abstract painting show about different ideas and techniques and themes that are based on oceans and story based influenced imagery. It is abstract in the sense of trying to create a painting of representational ideas and themes, such as waves, organic shapes, patterns and some figurative works. I hope to create an atmosphere that can take the viewer to an imaginary landscape of someplace almost recognizable and an image of some thing almost tangible. I also hope that the works can be enjoyed both visual and subconscious. I thought about the pieces hanging on the wall as if they were sounds, music and melodies that have been created in visual context. I created the works for me to open new ideas and to be interpretive, like performance art. I create the work without a true idea of the ideas I wanted to project but through intuitive visual and mental approach to the canvas int he way a sculpture might pound the rock until a shape appeared. It is a 'freeing' the visual expressions as much as it is 'coaxing.' The pieces are also created as a continuation of my 'live painting' expressions, where I might approach painting 'live' by more feeling out the location and situation rather than having an 'idea' before the show and creating a work that is more 'applied for' the situation. 'Applying for' reflects a preparedness but maybe not improvised. I imagine myimprovisation idea stems from music and modern paintings. Although the show still is reflective of subject matter, I try to create a sense of imporvisation because the difference in day to day evolution of a person, can sometimes be samll and sometimes can be overwhelming. It is with these ideas I create the show, 'Salon Bob.' The show's title 'Salon Bob' is reflective of the multiple style of painting expressions and daily technical improvisational approaches because it is also a reflection of my own personal journey to combine my many different sensory influence to the daily organic approach as a painter for myself. In creating these paintings in different techniques, either exaggerated from a usual approach or a tangent of my 'oler' approaches. For me, it is a reflection of my past as I look to the future in my current present state of being. I realize, the next step is always without certainty and the future is both exciting and frightening. My painting journey is not alsways a confident expression but the paintings help me to strive forward and be in peace with myself as I learn more about myself and it guides my growth to the future.
— from

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